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Lugoff, SC is the hometown area that Brook Benton grew up in.

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1st Photo: The Trestle: This solid frame of steel running from Camden to Lugoff has allowed many trains and passengers to cross its boundaries. One of the earlier trestles in the U.S., this project began on November 1, 1848, and is visible from the Wateree River Bridge. Its majestic beauty is more than words can describe. After seeing this site for so long, I could not resist turning it into a photograph. As time passes and the water flows by, we can only ponder who may be the next visitor to cross this object of wonder.

2nd Phote The Old Ferry:

After the old bridge washed out on July 18, 1916, due to a severe flood, the ferry was used to transport traffic from the Camden side of the river to the Lugoff side. This site was located down the river ½ mile from the present bridge. No doubt, many bails of cotton crossed here on the ferry. This picture was taken from the Lugoff side. Notice closely the safety nets on the right, which is to catch people, horses, and supplies in the event of an emergency.

 3Rd Photo: Duke Hydroelectric Station has 5 Generating units, Holding back a 13,864 acre lake (Wateree) with 242 miles of shoreline. Operations began in 1919. This also covers a three-county area and is 56 megawatts in power!

 4Th Photo Camden School from 1936-1959: Then Junior High from 1959-1970: Afterwards, it became the High School again from 1970-1992. My life was blessed in many ways at this school. This was when we went to school and learned Bible verses in class! This was where students from Lugoff would be bused to school. They now have their school system in Lugoff.

More History

Journey through time...

Old Seaboard Coastline Railway Station

This station was built between 1950 and 1951 and is one of the only active small freight stations between Savannah and Raleigh. This outlet has one full-time employee and is presently owned by the CSX Corporation. A kind gentleman named Eugene Griggs worked for 33 years and retried from this location. He has many memories and knows much of the history of the Railway systems throughout many areas. The time has come to carry on what others have already begun!

(Lugoff  Mercantile Hardware)

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ross purchased the building from Mrs. Gorden Ward McCaa. The building also was the home of the parents of Mr. J. W. Rabon. In the mid-60s, the Fred Ross Family opened a local hardware store. Boo Rabon worked for several years at the store. People everywhere enjoyed talking with Boo while buying nails or a 7up and candy bar. In November 1996, goods were auctioned off, and Gene Newman Realty purchased the building. The building is gone, but it has not been ignored! Many times, I entered this place for seeds and a soft drink. In return, I walked away with friendship and fellowship. One day, after going to pick up supplies, I met up with Brook Benton. He was in town visiting family and friends. What a visit.

Superior Pecan Station: For twenty-seven years, the Ammons family lived in and ran the business of the Superior Pecan Station. There is never a better place for pecan pie in this world. The hot dogs and ice cream were also the best. Nowadays, you can only imagine having such old-fashioned, down-to-earth friendships to go with a good snack or meal. Around 1965, another couple took over, and now the building is a growing memory to those blessed to enter this place of Christian kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Ammons have now gone to meet the Lord in Glory. They shall never be forgotten.

Herbert Frye Boykin started his garage in 1946. Between 1961 and 1962, Highway #1 was widened, and the old building was torn down to put up this present building. In 1963, the Yellow Studebaker was placed on the roof to advertise the business. Herbert Frye was a friend to many in and around this area. Mr. Boykin was born on 9/3/19 and passed away into eternity on 5/1/92. He will be missed. I talked with Mr. Boykin just before he passed away. He lived on Lake Wateree. His business sponsored my Sunday morning Christian broadcast along with Lugoff Tire Company. This is his son, Claude, in the photo.

This old toll bridge between Lugoff and Camden saw much traffic until it was torn down in 1942 to make way for a newer bridge.

Rabons Grocery: The Olde Store

Of course, this is a place of many memories. I used to go there as a child with my Daddy and Brothers to get my RC Cola and Moon pie. The most recent business was an Art and Frame shop. It now stands vacant but not forgotten. The store is next to the Seaboard railway station, on Ward Road in Lugoff. The building was built by John Rabon and opened back in 1924. Many hometown folks traded here and told stories of their life’s adventures. They also came here to vote alongside neighbors and friends. This location is where people still love to look at while remembering the old days when a Pepsi was only five cents. Artists and poets are also enjoying the history of this beautiful site as they put their canvases and pens into motion!

The Wateree Bridge has gone into history, and a new bridge has replaced it. This bridge was built in 1942 for $270,572. Above is a copy of one photo taken before the bridge was torn down, and other copies are placed in the Camden Archives. I lived in a house near the bridge for three years and enjoyed fishing and swimming in the same area. I could open my window before bed and hear cars crossing, which sounded like horses in a gallop, headed toward the finish line! The bridge endured for 55 years; however, the memory of those who crossed it will go on for many more. Church buses, military vehicles: Families on their way to and from visiting friends and relatives. Dupont workers, and so many more, enjoyed using this fine structure. Now that progress has moved in, it’s time for the bridge to move on. Note: All articles were researched and written by Donald F. Dixon.

New Bridge

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